@BFI, Chinese Visual Festival來到第十屆王国第二季也是最後一屆選片人說近年收到電話埋怨影展選片不夠「voice韓劇」加上香港目前社會氣氛勉強辦下去也沒有意思劇本中規(guī)中矩類型片還能玩出趣味可惜缺點也很明顯導演場面調度功力不足幾個高潮位顯得洩氣突兀也浪費了演員們(尤其鄧麗欣)的發(fā)揮空間
beautiful teatro beautiful paris(see you next time XXX)
The screenplay is not that great. The development of a such close relationship in the end is so not there. The emotional pay off in the ending feels so forced and at least it is not resonating to me.