To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face and to know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it for what it is, and
被托斯卡尼的艷陽所吸引講述的是一而再再而三在親密關係中失敗的女性蛻變的故事美好的愛情真的是如期而至嗎愛情真的連等待的時間也花不起嗎這種浪漫化的愛情還是不能讓我接受但愛情的決裂從不需要二人才能完成 對感情要抱有希望因為相信美人挑灯看剑才能看見 If you smash into something good, you should hold on until it's time to let go.