all time favorite 看了多少遍了 乘著重映的當間兒 終于在大熒幕上認真再看了一遍看了太多遍的電影 在家觀賞容易用上快進拖拉來到喜歡的橋段大熒幕是不能的所以老老實實安分守己的 跟著導演節(jié)奏來了一遍 臺詞真是美好細節(jié)依舊動人這次看到最多的竟然是Max的生活之難城市應有盡有卻沒有盡頭是這樣呢
we always wanted to feel different, unique. Objective analysis, however, concluded that we are as inconsequential as anyone else. We are but one in many single worker bee in a vast swarm, subject to the same imperatives as billions of others. 斯文頓在本片的形象像是雪國列車形象的測