整體看來就像是八個公益短片個別集真是俗氣得讓人難以下咽比如安妮海瑟薇那一集與其說大材小用倒不如說是選角失敗戀父那個小姑娘演得真好那則故事詮釋了人性的許多層第一集單親小媽媽也挺溫情脈脈的但只能說unconditional love is touching, but only exists in fairytales. 甜蜜的城市童話莫娘真是太cute了what a lovely gay couple!
Being divorced doesn’t make you any less married hahaha // Sofitication is a language. Either you are born with it, or you speak it with an accent. Marriage is a phase. It was meant to be over, just like childhood, or puberty.