情緒氣氛渲染的太好了開頭快速敘事很好的擾亂時間線抽插内射VIDEO這樣的非線性敘事太有意思本以為會是讓人意猶未盡的復雜燒腦結果卻直接點破開放結局整體玄的很克制“如果能預見自己的一生你會去試著改變嗎?”比起科幻更多的是哲學吧用On The Nature Of Daylight來煽情簡直太過分了
...I saw us, the posh version. Love brings ecstacy and pain at the same time, you love him for who he was therefore you suffer, that's the price, you know it, you always know. Until one day you realize it's ok to let go, to let him be. Then, you are free, you are you again.