I always believed that fear belonged to other people. Weaker people. It never touched me. And then it did. And when it touches you, you know... that it's been there all along. Waiting beneath the surfaces of everything you loved.
Kinda catchy. 連環(huán)殺手+70年代+亞洲+嬉皮士一系列我無(wú)法拒絕的題材Charles有著足夠令人同情的身世背景不過(guò)但凡他在成長(zhǎng)過(guò)程中不要每一步都走得這么離譜也不至于成為一個(gè)殘酷無(wú)情且令人作惡的連環(huán)殺手他的殘忍與生俱來(lái)真的就如同片名一樣就像潮濕東南亞叢林中粘膩惡心的稀缺视频播放你要祈禱自己千萬(wàn)不要遇上他在稀缺视频播放的對(duì)立面是Herman, Nadine, Dominic以及追求正義的所有人即使在黑暗如斯的70年代我們也應(yīng)該慶幸光的存在To all the young intrepids who set out with big dreams, but never made it home.